7 Flowering Plants That Look Beautiful Even When They’re Not In Bloom

Coral Bells 

Coral bells are a delightful perennial plant that forms dense foliage in shades of purple, red, and bright green. The colorful patterned leaves look beautiful long after the bell-shaped blooms have finished, and this plant is a great ground cover option for woodland and rock gardens. 

Lamb’s Ear 

Lamb’s ear is a low-growing plant that forms a soft, spreading mat of fuzzy, silver-gray leaves topped with delicate pink or purple flowers.  


The joy of many common garden herbs is that they provide all-year-round interest even when not in flower, and thyme is no exception.  


Sedums are great for providing contrasting colors and shapes even when the flowering period is over. ‘Autumn Joy’ produces large, flat clusters of pink to red flowers on upright stems that mature to bronze.  

Big Blue Lilyturf 

Big blue lilyturf forms clumps of grass-like foliage topped with small, lavender flower spikes that resemble grape hyacinths. 

 Lenten Rose 

The Lenten rose is a robust, evergreen perennial plant with dense mounds of large, leathery leaves. This low-maintenance plant produces flowers in shades ranging from white and pink to deep purple, and even when not in bloom, the foliage remains a key feature in the garden. 


Sage is valued for its aromatic, gray-green leaves, which provide a lovely, textured backdrop in the garden. In late spring, the plant produces beautiful spikes of purple or blue flowers, but the foliage remains the main attraction year round. 

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