High Protein & Low Calorie Snacks for Weight Loss

A serving of Greek yogurt provides a significant amount of protein and the berries add fiber and sweetness without many calories.

Greek Yogurt

Cottage cheese is high in protein and low in calories, and a small amount of pineapple adds a refreshing sweetness and vitamin C.

Cottage Cheese

Packed with protein and essential nutrients, hard-boiled eggs are a convenient and satisfying low-calorie snack.

Hard-Boiled Eggs

Steamed edamame provides plant-based protein and fiber, which helps keep you full and satisfied.


Tuna mixed with a bit of Greek yogurt or light mayonnaise, served in lettuce leaves, offers a high-protein, low-calorie snack.

Tuna Salad

Slices of turkey breast rolled up with a bit of mustard or low-fat cheese are a simple, protein-packed snack.

Turkey Roll-Ups

A low-calorie protein powder mixed with water or almond milk can be a quick and easy high-protein snack option.

Protein Shake

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