This leafy green is highly cold-resistant and becomes sweeter after exposure to frost. It's a nutritious addition to winter salads and soups.
Spinach is another cold-hardy green that can be grown in winter. Harvest the outer leaves to allow the plant to continue producing.
Certain varieties of lettuce, such as Winter Density and Arctic King, can withstand colder temperatures. Plant in a sheltered location for better results.
Carrots can be left in the ground over winter and harvested as needed. Mulch the soil to prevent it from freezing too deeply.
Radishes are quick-growing and can be planted in late fall for a winter harvest. They add a crisp texture to salads.
Cold-tolerant varieties of broccoli, such as Waltham 29, can be grown in winter. Provide adequate protection during severe cold spells.
These plants thrive in cooler temperatures and can be harvested even after light frost.
Plant garlic cloves in the fall for a summer harvest. They overwinter in the ground and benefit from the cold period.