Starbucks Is Finally Letting Customers Bring Any Reusable Cup

Starbucks took a significant sustainability step this week by becoming the first national coffee retailer to offer reusable containers. 

Customers of Starbucks may transport a mug or cup from home to a participating location on January 3 for the purpose of preparing their preferred beverage.

Prior to considering the possibility of bringing that enormous receptacle you brought to 7-Eleven's Bring Your Own Cup Day, it is important to be aware of the following restrictions.

As per The Washington Post, vessels are required to be spotless and have a maximum capacity of forty ounces.

In order to utilize a personal reusable cup at Starbucks, merely inform the barista of your intention to do so. 

After that, you transfer the cup to the barista, who will retrieve it utilizing a contactless vessel. Customers using the drive-thru to place their orders will encounter a comparable procedure.

Starbucks made the decision to facilitate the use of reusable cups by their patrons as a means to decrease the quantity of waste they contribute to landfills in 2022.

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