Pruning these shrubs in spring may remove the buds formed during winter, leading to a reduction in blooming.
Avoid heavy pruning in spring, especially when the trees are in bloom, to prevent interfering with fruit production.
Spring pruning may remove developing flower buds. Prune after flowering for best results.
Depending on the variety, some clematis bloom on old wood. Pruning in spring can remove potential flowers. Prune after blooming.
Prune this shrub after it has finished flowering to avoid cutting off next year's flower buds.
Some hydrangea varieties bloom on old wood. Pruning in spring may remove potential flowers.
Early-blooming spirea varieties set their flower buds in the previous season. Prune after flowering to preserve next year's blooms.
Pruning in early spring may remove flower buds. Wait until after the plant has bloomed to prune.
Lilacs bloom on old wood, and pruning in spring can remove potential flowers. Prune immediately after flowering.