Costco Members Are Worried This Cheese Has Been Discontinued
Nothing else will do for Parmigiano-Reggiano in a dish or cheese board. This weekend, a Costco store supervisor reportedly told a shopper that
wedges of parmesan had been "deleted" from stock, sparking social media criticism. How loudly would you demand your favorite cheese? Some of these clap
Read on to learn how Costco's Parmigiano-Reggiano may be creating a small crisis, and join up for our newsletter for more on your favorite groceries' trends.
By riot, we believe the user was joking. The discourse that followed showed that discontinued parmesan looked serious to some.
Comment from discussion Comment by fuckyouall246 "Costco discontinued parmigiano reggiano wedges indefinitely. We must riot.
Other users supported u/plluviophile's cheese wedge disappearance response. Floodblue remarked, "Wow! That cheese was incredible!
Because I had some wedge left from the last time I bought one, I didn't check while I got there. Bummer!"
The original poster "asked a supervisor in store today and he said that the item seems to be deleted."
Comment from discussion Pluviophile's forum comment "Costco discontinued parmigiano reggiano wedges indefinitely. We must riot.
Comment from discussion Comment from conversation "Costco discontinued parmigiano reggiano wedges indefinitely. We must riot.