Make locations accessible. Put ramps, grab bars, and railings where needed. Remove clutter and use non-slip flooring to reduce tripping.
Use natural light and well-placed artificial lighting. For visibility, boomers prefer brighter lighting in task-oriented areas like kitchens and workstations.
Choose supportive, comfortable furniture. Choose chairs and sofas with back support and comfy cushions. Customized or adjustable furniture may also help.
Install smoke alarms, CO detectors, and security systems. For safety and convenience, consider smart home technology like automatic lighting and door locks.
Choose simple fixtures and appliances. Consider lever-style door handles, touchless faucets, and large, easy-to-read appliance controls.
Create adaptable environments that can meet shifting needs. Consider adjustable countertops or cabinets for wheelchair users or people of different heights.
Ensure effective heating and cooling systems for pleasant temperature control. Consider installing user-friendly thermostats.
Install grab bars, non-slip flooring, walk-in showers, and elevated toilets to make bathrooms accessible. Consider curbless showers for simpler entry.
Give boomers a place to rest or do their hobbies. Comfort can be improved by soundproofing and insulating.