Most Unique Birds Even Dedicated Bird-Watchers 

The Nicobar Pigeon

The Nicobar pigeon is thought to be the closest living relative of the now-extinct dodo bird.

The Bee Hummingbird

The bee hummingbird isn't just a beautiful bird, it's also the world's smallest bird. Male bee hummingbirds weigh around 0.069 ounces and measure around 2.2 inches in length.

The Yellow Cardinal

The bird pictured above lives in South America, but there are also yellow Northern cardinals that have a genetic mutation that makes them yellow instead of red.

King Of Saxony

The King of Saxony bird of paradise is endemic to the montane forest in New Guinea.

The Mandarin Duck

The King of Saxony bird of paradise is endemic to the montane forest in New Guinea.

Andean Cock Of The Rock

This interesting bird is an Andean cock of the rock. The male cock of the rock, pictured here, performs an elaborate mating dance to attract females.

The Ruddy Duck

The ruddy duck can be found in North America in marshy lakes and ponds. Only male ruddy ducks have bright blue bills. Females have black bills and a gray, black, and white body.

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