Brush Stroke

 8 Plant Combination Ideas For Container Gardens

Brush Stroke

Fiesta Flora Combo

For a container bursting with bold shapes and colors, try mixing Southern Living's Saucy Red Salvia, Sunshine Ligustrum, Pot of Gold Little Lucky Lantana, Purple Pixie Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum.

Brush Stroke

Classic Elegance Combo

For a container bursting with bold shapes and colors, try mixing Southern Living's Saucy Red Salvia, Sunshine Ligustrum, Pot of Gold Little Lucky Lantana, Purple Pixie Dwarf Weeping Loropetalum.

Brush Stroke

Contrasting Vibrance

Create a big, bold surprise in an otherwise overlooked shady corner by combining Heart Throb Hydrangea and moneywort.

Brush Stroke

Native Wildlife

Attract butterflies, caterpillars and native bees by combining blazing star, wild geranium and frogfruit.

Brush Stroke

Soft Pastel Combo

Combine light pink Asiatic lilies, begonias and gladiolus to keep that carefree springtime feeling lingering in the air all summer long.

Brush Stroke

All White Combo

A combination of allium, calla lilies and Star of Bethlehem brings an intimate elegance to your setting. 

Brush Stroke

A Pop of Purple

A combination of allium, calla lilies and Star of Bethlehem brings an intimate elegance to your setting. 

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