The RealReal: Known for authenticated luxury consignment, they offer a wide range of designer bags.
Vestiaire Collective: A global marketplace for pre-owned luxury fashion, including a large selection of designer bags.
Fashionphile: Specializes in buying and selling pre-owned authentic luxury goods, including handbags.
Tradesy: Offers a platform for buying and selling designer bags, with a focus on authenticity.
Rebag: Known for buying and selling pre-owned designer handbags with a guarantee of authenticity.
Yoogi's Closet: Offers a curated selection of pre-owned designer bags and accessories.
Luxury Garage Sale: Combines online and offline shopping experiences for pre-owned luxury items, including bags.
eBay: A well-known marketplace where you can find both new and used designer bags. Be sure to check seller reviews and authenticity guarantees.